Errol's Story

Lucy works in a restaurant and, working long hours, she wondered if another cat would be some company for her cat Andy while she was busy working. Believing the right cat would come along at the right time, she didn't want to rush things. One day she was scrolling through Facebook when she spotted a post on Anglesey & District Feline Support & Rescue. They had a group of 4 kittens, 2 girls & 2 boys. Instantly, she knew Errol was the cat for her and Andy, she contacted Vanessa who runs the rescue. After a home check, all was set for Lucy to pick Errol up and take him to his forever home in January. Although he was only 12 weeks old, he was massive for his age and looked a lot older.
Errol loved sleeping on his cat tree and on his fluffy blanket, and had a unique way of lazing on his blanket in the funniest of positions. He loved any toy that had a bell in it, and would run up and down the garden or around the house with his ball. Sometimes he would grab it with his mouth like a dog, which would be really funny to Lucy. He loved his chicken and would always jump up to cheekily try grab a drumstick. He enjoyed mealtimes generally, and would sit staring at Lucy and her partner taking every bite of their food hoping they would give in and let him have some. He knew they'd always give in. Errol knew who was boss, but he drew the line at his toys, which he was quite protective of, and would do a soft growl to Andy. Errol and Andy had a funny relationship. Andy is the queen of the house and Errol learnt this at first meet, although he seemed happy with the pecking order because he was so chilled and just happy to settle in quickly.
Errol's favourite things to do were sleep, eat and hunting! He loved playing out in the garden with Andy in the evenings after they had eaten their dinners. Once, Lucy came home to find he'd destroyed all her flowers she'd put in a vase. Clearly not being such a fan of his mums neat displays, he would make it his mission to tear all the flowers up whenever some went in a vase. Although obviously not a flowers fan, Errol did love Lucy, but would show his appreciation to her in ways perhaps she wished he wouldn't. One little bunny he brought to her was alive, so Lucy was able to safely put it back in the field opposite where it hopped off.

On VE day 2020, the country was still in lock down but many made the most of the decent dry warm weather and they celebrated in gardens, or some in the street while social distancing. It was a day which many will remember for the strange atmosphere and situation the country found itself in while celebrating such a special anniversary in our country's history. However, for Lucy the day will be remembered for a different reason. Late on that Friday VE day, a neighbour from a few doors down came over to ask if she owned a black and white cat. Lucy's heart sank as the neighbour proceeded to tell her he had been hit by a car. Instantly she ran to where he was, just laying there lifeless in the road. Lucy ran home and just slumped with him in her arms on the decking. They stood around trying to process things, Lucy sobbed for half an hour straight begging him not to leave her and to come back! It took her some time to realise he was gone, and her heart just broke.
Lucy had never lost an animal family member before, and struggled with the pain. Anger naturally coursed through her in time that someone could hit him, or any innocent animal, and just drive off. What happened to Errol has hurt Lucy so much, mostly that someone could be so heartless and selfish as to just drive off. Lucy felt so complete with her little family, her boyfriend and 2 cats she loved. Since learning to hit a cat and speed off is perfectly legal in the UK, it sparked a fire in Lucy to campaign for change. Lucy's petition in Errol's name can be found below, and Lucy hopes it will raise awareness and put further pressure on the government to make changes. Please do sign and share for her in Errol's memory, and in support of the many other cats and owners who have/will sadly go through this also. To sign Lucy's petition, UK - Make it illegal to hit & run CATS, just click here or on the image below.
Lucy feel's sad for Andy, as Errol was her little buddy. He was such a softie with her, and would just let her beat him up. Lucy thinks he secretly enjoyed it. Errol will be terribly missed by all the family, and Lucy has made a beautiful grave for him in her side garden where he can stay close and she can spend time with him. She plans to purchase a bench so she can sit by him whenever she feels sad, and just remember all the funny and happy memories they shared together. Lucy has been, understandably, having up and down days. It's just a little over a week since the incident happened, and Lucy has since bought some candles to light and say a prayer for him.
Lucy will particularly miss how he loved waking them up in the mornings with kisses and lots of funny meows, although he couldn't meow properly and it was more of a squeal, but that just made him cuter to them. A huge hole has been left, which will be felt when Errol isn't there always following her around as he did. They were like best friends and wherever Lucy went, Errol would be as well. Some mornings Lucy would wake up and Errol would be wrapped around her neck like a scarf, or in between her arms cuddling up to her. This is something Lucy will miss the most, waking up to not find him there.

Because the driver just sped off, and the neighbour later found him, Lucy has no other detail about what happened. The only thing which can be said as fact is that the driver left the scene without helping. It's also questionable as to why someone was out driving late on a bank holiday while the country was in lock down and the permitted essential services, such as shopping or getting medical supplies, would be closed at that hour. Most likely, the driver was flouting rules which are there for a reason at the moment, and is someone who has such disregard for the lives of both humans and animals, the emergency services and the law. This pandemic has evidently brought the best and the worst out in people, and some people should feel ashamed of themselves.
