Animal Star Award Finalists 2021

We are thrilled to be finalists in this years Animal Star Awards for best pet blogger/blog. We don't do what we do for personal recognition, but to know that there are people out there who appreciate what we do enough to take the time to nominate us for an award really is vey special to us. To then be selected as finalists is such an honour.
Thank you so much to everyone who nominated us, and a huge well done to our fellow finalists Yogi the guide dog and the Paw Post. Just being nominated, and going on to become finalists, already feels like a win to us, so whoever is selected to win this category we will be very pleased for as everyone deserves it.
We won the Animal Education Highly Commended award back in 2018, and we felt so proud of that. Trying to educate people on what to do if they hit or find a cat in the road and raising awareness is the core of what we do, so it was a massive honour to be nominated, become a finalist and then to go on and win this category. We are not told who nominates us, and it came as a shock but lovely surprise to learn we had been nominated again this year. This time, we are up for the best pet blogger/blog award. We are thrilled to be in this category because our blog is one of the main tools we use to get that awareness and education out there, so for our blog to be recognised in such a way says to us we are achieving our goal of getting the word out there to people. Along with general news, legislation updates and useful guidance, some of our blog content is written by you talking about your cats experiences. We do this so each cat is seen as individual who had friends, family and a life. We want drivers to know the pain and suffering their (lack of) action caused, so to make others think twice about doing it. This really is dedicated to the owners who relived such a heart breaking experience in aid of raising awareness to help stop others going through what they/their cats had
Maybe we will go on to win the category, maybe we won't. Either way we feel appreciated and loved and thank our supporters so much for sticking with us!