Malvern Council to Introduce Deceased Pet Scanning
Despite our best efforts, after the results were calculated following the closing of a previous petition in 2017 it was revealed that not only did Malvern Hills Council in Worcestershire not scan deceased pets found for microchips, but that they had no intentions to do so in future. Unfortunately, this was not unique then or today - as many councils nationwide still do not scan.
Despite the lack of interest in adopting scanning procedures at the time, we have continued to remind the councils of our presence and aim to make mandatory scanning of pets found a legal requirement. Thanks to these efforts, we are very pleased to report that we have entered into talks with Malvern Hills Council again and they are currently in the process of purchasing scanners, and introducing the protocol very shortly thanks to our efforts.
We have now proudly changed the policy of 21 councils around the UK – with many more currently looking to introduce scanners, and are hopeful that even more will be on board once our current petition calling for all councils to scan domestic pets found on roads is delivered. It is still in the process of gathering signatures though, so if you haven’t already, please do add your name… because a cat’s final journey should be going home to family – not being dumped in a landfill.