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Errol's Story
Lucy works in a restaurant and, working long hours, she wondered if another cat would be some company for her cat Andy while she was busy...
Gizmo's Story
On New Years Eve 10 years ago, Gizmo arrived at his forever home with the Jackson family. He was the last of the litter and Jade couldn't...
Why Molly Matters
Every day, as we go about our business, we tend to put to the back of our minds the idea that, one day, we will get a call saying that a...
Eric wasn't 'just a cat', he was a best friend!
Eric came in to Amie's life at at 6 months old. He had been listed as 'free' on gumtree and Amie couldn't risk him falling into the wrong...
Cats and Roads Winter Care
Cats and cars do not mix well at any time of the year, but there are many reasons to be extra cautious during the winter months..... Once...
Kiki let down by the council
Tiki was last seen on the night of 1st December. The Kennedy family went straight into search mode to find her, including the families...
Your Microchip Stories....
Our work on the microchipping call for evidence is well underway. Throughout November we had been working with numerous other charities,...
Grace's Story
On Halloween, the Jones family brood were getting ready to have their meals as Beverley opened the back door to call everyone in....
Microchipping of cats: call for evidence
Naturally we are thrilled that the Government has announced a call for evidence for the mandatory microchipping of cats. It all began...
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