Mandatory Scanning of all Deceased Pets Petition Goes Through in Welsh Assembly
On Tuesday the 10th of October, Mandy Lowe and Tiya Ivy of CatsMatter handed in a petition to Welsh Assembly, following a combined 18 hour journey to Cardiff and quick debrief at the wonderful Feline Good Cat Cafe, asking for mandatory scanning of all domestic pets found deceased on Welsh roads.
The initial meeting went very well and it was revealed that on MP present understood the agony of a missing cat first-hand – having had one go missing for 6 months before returning. Thanks to his experience, he sympathises with the plight of many pet owners who spend months, or even years hoping that a long-lost companion may come home, or wondering what fate they may have met.
Thanks to the support and backing of so many, this petition surpassed the required target for debate three times over.
On Tuesday the 17th of October, the petition was discussed and approved to move into the next stages of deliberation – despite some strong opposition. Click here to watch the initial discussion beginning at 8:23.
A huge thank you again goes out to all of those who are an integral part of this petition’s success – it could not happen without you.